For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal🙏. 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18.

For the past months, we have been talking about the significance of thanksgiving and the power it carries. We saw how it delivered victories to some fathers of faith, who duly enforced it in battle fields😇.

As long as you dwell on earth as a believer, the enemy will not let you go escort free. He (devil) will definitely come against you with all kinds of obstacles to challenge your faith and existence. It could be joblessness, bareness, disease or sickness in your body, disappointments in relationship matters, retrogressions in business, marital setbacks, rejections and betrayals from some trusted friends and loved ones and so forth. But the bible says God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond your strength. And will even make a way of escape for you. 1 Corinthians 10:13. A lot of believers after reading this portion in the bible fold their arms hoping to see the supposed “way of escape” to happen to their lives in the sweet by and by. It’s never so. Is your responsibility to place a heavy demand on the power of God for your liberation. Furthermore, you must search through the scriptures and other spirit filled Christian literature books to get the necessary revelations to deal with the issues squarely. It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of Kings is to search out a matter- Proverbs 25:2🤲.

The Holy Ghost from the opening scriptures is trying to assure as that, our testimonies will be far greater than the issues we face right now. In order words, we should look beyond the natural with the eye of faith that everything shall be well. The verse 18 also lays more emphasis on the fact that, the challenges or predicaments are but for a short moment. Therefore, refuse to be moved by the pressures of the situations and concentrate more on the bigness of your God. Don’t allow any form of negative words to come out of your lips. Keep speaking the right words in connection to what you desiring to see. Job once said, how forcible are right words. Job 6:25. Never look back. Your faith will surely make the difference💪.

The last thing to do so as to get your move complete is for you to get a good seed and sow it on a fertile ground. The fertile ground could be your priest, pastor or prophet, your local assembly or a charity home or a widow in your neighborhood for the seeds to be sown. It can be in cash or kind. The seed at this point is serving as a spiritual catalyst to speed up the process. God’s attention will be turned to your direction since there’s a memorial speaking for you in connection with your prayers. Your sacrifice will at once provoke God’s remembrance upon your live and His vengeance upon your enemies. Things will begin to fall in their proper places for you and your entire family even to the next generations🥰. (Psalm 126:5, 102:17, Ecclesiastes 11:6, Luke 6:38)

I want to congratulate you for reaching the finishing line of your journey this week with tremendous victories and testimonies👊. Make sure you repeat the cycle all the time for more overflow and preservation of your testimonies👊. Watch out for the next episode.

